Friday, June 7, 2013

Camera Shootout: Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Nokia Lumia 920

Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Nokia Lumia 920 contentfullwidth 500x375 Camera Shootout: Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Nokia Lumia 920
I am lucky enough to have two flagship phone each with awesome camera in my possession at the same time, the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Nokia Lumia 920. If I would not do a camera shootout between these two devices for you I might as well turn in my keyboard for failure to serve my readers as a writer.
I will not tell you which device took which picture till the end so you can make a decision for yourself. I will tell you that the same device will be on the top/bottom for every set of pictures. All these pictures were taken on Auto (except for one close up shot on Macro) because that is way most users take pictures these days. I know BOTH devices could take better pictures if I played with the settings but I wanted to keep the test true to what the average user will experience.
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Have you pick the one that you like better yet? Take your time and look over them again. No really good ahead I will wait. Got your choice? Good now to reveal which one is which.
The top pictures are the Nokia Lumia 920 and the Bottom ones are the Samsung SG4. While it very close in my winner was the Nokia Lumia 920 it seemed to pick up just a little more detail in all the photos and gave a more "natural color". I think the SG4 just let a little too much light like the 920 did when first released onto the market.

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