Friday, November 8, 2013

Nokia is now the fourth biggest smartphone seller in the U.S.

Lumia1020 500x282 Nokia is now the fourth biggest smartphone seller in the U.S.
Nokia has lagged behind competitors since its switch to Windows Phone, and the company's standing in the United States wasn’t very strong even in its Symbian days. A new report states that Nokia is gaining ground in the US and reached its highest market share since 2007.
Counterpoint Research says that during the third quarter of 2013, Nokia had 4 percent of smartphone sales. While 4 percent is obviously not that great compared to what Apple and Samsung accomplished, combining for 67.3 percent, it's a big improvement compared to how much Nokia has struggled to crack the US market. Consider this: during the same period in 2012, Nokia had only 0.7 percent of sales. Now it has a bigger share than Motorola, according to Counterpoint.
The bump in sales is attributed to Nokia’s changed strategy of working with carriers to make compromises and offer network exclusives. Though AT&T remains the favored carrier of Nokia and tends to get the company’s flagship products, Nokia has released phones on T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, and MetroPCS to attract new customers. The low-cost Lumia 520 and Lumia 521, as well as the still-selling Lumia 920, were the leading Nokia sellers last quarter.
counterpoint nokia 500x333 Nokia is now the fourth biggest smartphone seller in the U.S.

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